This will kind of go like last night, but this time I will sit down with our women's team.
Parker: What are you looking forward to the most tomorrow?
Sarah: We are looking forward to competing against some of the top teams in the region.
Rachel: Crossing the finish line.
Parker: What are you looking forward to the most tomorrow?
Sarah: We are looking forward to competing against some of the top teams in the region.
Rachel: Crossing the finish line.
Parker: What are your goals for tomorrow?
Jessica: To set personal records and to go out there and try our best.
Parker: Do you guys feel like you have come a long way since the beginning of the season?
Lindsey: Oh definitely.
Heidi: We have had great coaching.
Lindsey: We have really worked hard.
Rachel: And we love each other.
Parker: So is this race like a building block for next season?
Rachel: Definitely.
Jessica: We have not had a team that worked this hard.
Lindsey: At least not at the same time.
Heidi: We have a good attitude.
Sarah: We just work really well as a team.
Lindsey: The good attitudes will carry over to next season, hopefully.
Parker: Anything else?
Sarah: Jessica and I are sorry we got lost, Bob.
Melissa (XC Alum): (In a New Zealand accent) I am happy to be here and very proud of both teams.
Rachel: Bob makes everything better, whenever we have a bad race or a bad practice he cheers us up. He is like a father to all of us.
Heidi: Rich has added a lot to the team and we love him too.
Sarah: We also have the best dancers.
Rachel: And Deidre has helped us through all of our injuries.
Sarah: She is the big sister of the family!
Well another successful interview. Be back in a few with a few final thoughts.