So if you have not figured it out, I am not very familiar with cross country. I am sort of learning as I go, but you do not have to be a cross country person to realize a few thing about this team. First, these kids love to run. I saw a shirt today that said "Our Sport is What Your Sport Does For Punishment." It really is, but the kids who do it love it and our kids especially. They do it for the love of the sport and because they want to represent themselves, their university and everyone who has helped them get this far to the best of their abilities. Not only are they good runners, they are good people. They did not know me from Adam when we left yesterday and in that short time they have made me feel just as apart of the team as they are. The second thing you notice, is how well coached they are and how much the coaches want to see them do well. Would the coaches like for them to win? Well certainly, but wouldn't we all. The thing they want most from these teams is for them to do their best and if they do, that will be their reward. However, if we do win tomorrow you can rest assured they will be the last ones taking credit and giving it all to the runners. No matter the outcome tomorrow, these coaches deserve as much credit as the teams themselves. The last thing I noticed is that this is not just a team it is a family. They love each other, they love being around each other and they root for each other. They are each other's biggest fans and that, my friends, is a lesson a lot of professional teams could learn from these Patriots. It is ironic that the team name is the Patriots, because you will be hard pressed to find a group of coaches or players anywhere who have as much pride in themselves, their schools and their families as this crew. That is not something that is limited to the cross country team either, it is something I see in every Patriot team on campus. So if you ever find yourself disenfranchised by sports, just get on the Loop and come on down to the campus and you will find a group of coaches and student-athletes who embody what sport truly it. I know you might be busy tomorrow, but around 10 and 11 a.m. (CST, I took the liberty of doing the conversion for you) give a little cheer for these teams and for all the Patriots back home. I am not Nostradamus (scary guy, by the way) so I have no idea what the outcome tomorrow will be, but I know win or lose these teams will leave it all on the course and come back to Tyler with their heads held high. And, that is all you can ask for.
Well, I will step off my soap box now and hit the hay. We have a long day tomorrow, but even knowing as little about cross country as I do, I am really looking forward to it.