Why not. When Deidre and I went to find the rental cars we found that we had a silver Dodge Caravan (great for large groups), a silver Hyundai Entourage (also great for large groups and quite spiffy I might add) and a silver Chrysler PT Cruiser convertible (uh...what). Well I guess it was the luck of the draw. But just in case you are wondering, four grown adults and luggage for two and half can fit in there. I know my money (of course as an employee of an NCAA institution, no money was wagered) was on only three would fir, but once again out Cross team in shattering barriers and persevering. Well I think I will enjoy Rich's (assistant coach) 60's music, mostly I am not big on 60's music but it is nice mellow music for this early in the music. Wait...this just in, it dawned on me that I have been rude. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Parker and I am the assistant sports information director. Through me you will be able to take in all the sight and hopefully sounds (but not smells, still waiting on the technology) of the Patriot's first ever NCAA event. Well, I'll be back in a bit. 87 miles to Dallas.