Saturday, November 10, 2007

Men Finish 3rd

Well RJ and Ben finished 1st and 2nd, respectively, but the team finished 3rd with 77 points behind Emory and Rhodes who tied for first with 76. Rhodes and Emory will automatically go to the Nationals, but we have to wait until tomorrow at 2 PM Central to see if we are one of 16 teams selected for an at-large bid. Regardless Ben and RJ have qualified to go to nationals, so there will be at least a small Patriot contingent, but hopefully the whole squad will go. Be back when we get to the hotel with a story.

Here they come...

RJ wins, Ben grabs second.

Lap 3 - Final Lap

RJ in the lead, Ben 6th, Warren 12th.

Lap 2 Pic

Lap 2

RJ 3rd, Ben 6th, Warren 8th.

Lap 1

Warren is leading the pack. RJ is third. Ben is in the Top 10.

Men Underway

The men are underway. The women came in 19th beating TLU and Dallas. Best time Lindsey Moore with 26:39 for 81st place, a little over three minutes behind the winner. Great race. Back with the men shortly.

The Men Getting Ready

Another Pic

Women's Finish

Well our last girl, just crossed the finish line. We looked to be middle of the pack. This was a solid race and great finish to this season and good building block for next. Be back soon with final results. 30 minutes to the men's race.

Lap 1 Part 2

Lap 1 Part 1

And they're off...

A View From A Hill

Rachel Getting Ready

Race Day!

The women will report to the starting line in less than five minutes. It is very cold and windy. If the wind quit it would not be that bad. Be back as soon as the race starts.

That Morning Rain

Well we woke up this morning, to the remnants of over night showers. It is kind of overcast, but if the sun comes out (which it should) the course should dry right up. Every one slept well and there is a steady stream of Patriots eating breakfast. Don't forget we will have live updates and photos from both races throughout the day. So keep it here and I will back soon.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Final Thoughts Before The Race

So if you have not figured it out, I am not very familiar with cross country. I am sort of learning as I go, but you do not have to be a cross country person to realize a few thing about this team. First, these kids love to run. I saw a shirt today that said "Our Sport is What Your Sport Does For Punishment." It really is, but the kids who do it love it and our kids especially. They do it for the love of the sport and because they want to represent themselves, their university and everyone who has helped them get this far to the best of their abilities. Not only are they good runners, they are good people. They did not know me from Adam when we left yesterday and in that short time they have made me feel just as apart of the team as they are. The second thing you notice, is how well coached they are and how much the coaches want to see them do well. Would the coaches like for them to win? Well certainly, but wouldn't we all. The thing they want most from these teams is for them to do their best and if they do, that will be their reward. However, if we do win tomorrow you can rest assured they will be the last ones taking credit and giving it all to the runners. No matter the outcome tomorrow, these coaches deserve as much credit as the teams themselves. The last thing I noticed is that this is not just a team it is a family. They love each other, they love being around each other and they root for each other. They are each other's biggest fans and that, my friends, is a lesson a lot of professional teams could learn from these Patriots. It is ironic that the team name is the Patriots, because you will be hard pressed to find a group of coaches or players anywhere who have as much pride in themselves, their schools and their families as this crew. That is not something that is limited to the cross country team either, it is something I see in every Patriot team on campus. So if you ever find yourself disenfranchised by sports, just get on the Loop and come on down to the campus and you will find a group of coaches and student-athletes who embody what sport truly it. I know you might be busy tomorrow, but around 10 and 11 a.m. (CST, I took the liberty of doing the conversion for you) give a little cheer for these teams and for all the Patriots back home. I am not Nostradamus (scary guy, by the way) so I have no idea what the outcome tomorrow will be, but I know win or lose these teams will leave it all on the course and come back to Tyler with their heads held high. And, that is all you can ask for.

Well, I will step off my soap box now and hit the hay. We have a long day tomorrow, but even knowing as little about cross country as I do, I am really looking forward to it.

A Word With The Coaches

Well we have talked with both teams, so now it was time to sit down with the coaches. Here is what Coach Bob Hepler and Assistant Coach Rich Dyer had to say.

Parker: How do you feel about the teams going into tomorrow?

Bob: This is really the most focused I have seen them in four seasons. I am really excited for R.J. because he has been with me for four years. He was here when things were not so good, so it has been real exciting to see all his hard work up to this point. He may or may not win tomorrow, but either way it will be great to see him cross the finish line with a great race behind him.

Parker: Do you think the course will lend itself well to our runners?

Bob: We have strong runners that can handle hills. They are in better shape now more than ever, so they should be able to handle any course well.

Parker: Bob, what had Rich brought to this team?

Bob: He brings technical experience with track and field background and the experience of a collegiate runner. Earlier tonight, was talking to the guys about specific parts of the race, particularly the last 400 meter. We have not been in a race yet, where people are crossing almost every second, so his expertise in helping them in the last 400 is very important.

Rich: Tomorrow although everyone will be important, the four and five runners will be especially important in the last 400 meters. But we know they are conditioned well from the work outs we gave them.

Parker: Rich, how have you enjoyed your first year with cross country?

Rich: It has been fun to watch their progression from the end of the last track and field season (The Patriots competed as a club team last year in T&F, but will compete as a varsity program for the first time ever this spring.) up until now. They have taken on a lot of responsibility and they have worked very hard since last spring to get to this point. They set a goal that they wanted to finish in the Top 10 in the country and we said this is what you need to do and this is how to do it. They took what we said and have worked hard towards that goal.

Parker: I guess you could sat they took the idea and...wait for it..."ran" with it.

OK, so the last line I just though of but it was pretty funny, at least it was in my head. Well that wraps up this interview. I promised you final thoughts, so I will grab some decaf and be back with them.

Q&A With The Patriots Women's Team

This will kind of go like last night, but this time I will sit down with our women's team.

Parker: What are you looking forward to the most tomorrow?


Sarah: We are looking forward to competing against some of the top teams in the region.

Rachel: Crossing the finish line.

Parker: What are your goals for tomorrow?

Jessica: To set personal records and to go out there and try our best.

Parker: Do you guys feel like you have come a long way since the beginning of the season?

Lindsey: Oh definitely.

Heidi: We have had great coaching.

Lindsey: We have really worked hard.

Rachel: And we love each other.

Parker: So is this race like a building block for next season?

Rachel: Definitely.

Jessica: We have not had a team that worked this hard.

Lindsey: At least not at the same time.

Heidi: We have a good attitude.

Sarah: We just work really well as a team.

Lindsey: The good attitudes will carry over to next season, hopefully.

Parker: Anything else?

Sarah: Jessica and I are sorry we got lost, Bob.

Melissa (XC Alum): (In a New Zealand accent) I am happy to be here and very proud of both teams.

Rachel: Bob makes everything better, whenever we have a bad race or a bad practice he cheers us up. He is like a father to all of us.

Heidi: Rich has added a lot to the team and we love him too.

Sarah: We also have the best dancers.

Rachel: And Deidre has helped us through all of our injuries.

Sarah: She is the big sister of the family!

Well another successful interview. Be back in a few with a few final thoughts.


The Italian food was great and a good time was had by all. The crew got carb loaded for tomorrow, not to mention a serenade by one awesome accordion player. Be back in a few with an interview with the women's team. Random quote of the night (from out of left field

) Corey- "You know what is unique about cross country? There's no half time." Truer words have never been spoken.


We are headed out to dinner. Later tonight I will talk with the women's team and maybe some final comments from Coach Hepler and the men. Since we are eating Italian, ciao until after dinner.

Texas Pride!

Women's Course Map

Men's Course Map

Practice Run!

Well we are at the campus of Eastern State, which as it turns out is a mental health facility. Apparently, Christopher Newport's (the host) course is closed and the race was relocated here. I think it was for the best thought, because the course is actually very pretty and we are just a few blocks away from downtown Williamsburg. I will be back after the teams get back, I am also going to post the course map to give you a better idea of what the Patriots are facing.

Mama Steve's

Good morning! We got up this morning and decided to eat at one of of the numerous pancake shops here in town. We ended up at a place called Mama Steve's. I thought it was pretty good, but apparently one table had a problem with their service and Warren thought they put too much salsa on his omelet but other than that it was pretty good. Odd name, but decent food. Anyway, the teams are getting ready for the practice run. I will have updates from the course later today. Until then, stay tuned.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Q&A With The Patriot's Men's Cross Country Team

So I am in of the rooms that is temporarily providing shelter to our men's cross country team and we are now joined by the rest of the team. I am just going to be asking a few questions, and posting their responses. Warning: These responses may be edited for time and content (but probably not, these are good people).

Parker G.: So this race is pretty big, what are you looking to forward the most?

All: Winning

Ben: Coming home with UT Tyler's 1st ever Regional championship, that would be pretty big.

PG: Do you think the weather will make a difference at all?

RJ: It will be conducive to fast times.

Chauncey: No matter the conditions, all the teams will have to run in them. So no matter the condition, it will come down to the strongest team that will win.

Corey: We kind of have an advantage being from Texas and always running in the heat. This will be a good change and a little easier to run in.

Parker: So how will it be running against teams you have never faced before?

Chauncey: It will be a little mysterious, but we do know there times so it won't be it a total mystery. We don't know there faces, but we know how they run so we know what we need to do. It won't be a total guessing game.

Corey: It will be nice to face some new teams. we run against the same teams in the regular season meets, so it will be nice to have some fresh competition.

RJ: We know other teams will be trying to prove themselves, but we want our chance to prove ourselves and show we belong here.

Parker: How big of a confidence boost was it to win the ASC Championships two weeks before this race?

RJ: We have done it before, but it was nice to do.

Ross: It was great to have a perfect score, considering we weren't that rested.

Ben: I'd say winning the Rhodes meet earlier in the season was bigger, just because there were more teams that will be here at Regionals in that race than were at the ASC meet.

Corey: The biggest confidence boost for me was setting a goal and doing it.

RJ: It's kind of the same thing we want to do at this meet. Obviously, coming in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 again would be great, but we are focusing on finishing 1, 2, 3, but another perfect score would be great too.

Parker: So anything else you guys want to say?

Warren: We had Memphis-style BBQ tonight and Texas is better.

(The interviewer, a Memphis native, strongly disagrees, although this BBQ was not the best he has ever had.)


(The interviewer would like to remind Corey of last night's loss to Gardner Webb by his beloved 'Cats.)

Ben: We are glad [Parker] came, very glad. We like the blog.

RJ: Soul food, soul music and spandex tights make for a perfect night.

(The interviewer refuses to comment)

Well you heard it here first, the Blog is a success. Well at least to the team. But seriously, show your support for both Patriot teams by reading this blog and staying up to date on all the happenings to the weekend. I will start tomorrow after breakfast and continue through the practice run and on through the rest of the day. Saturday will be the big day and I will have several updates and pictures from the hotel until we arrive back at campus and everywhere in between. I am going to turn in now. Have a great night and Go Patriots!

Back To The Hotel

Well we have arrived, and are getting settled. The hotel is very nice and we are getting ready to go eat. We were greeted by warm cookies and a fire (see picture). The woods here aren't as Piney (not to mention they are everywhere) but pretty nonetheless. Well I am going to get settled in and be back later.

In A Van...

I am learning that runners have very interesting conversations, but are generally fun people. Coach Hepler seems relaxed and ready to get the team through their first NCAA meet. If you have any questions for me, the runners, or coaches (race related) feel free to post a comment and ask away. I will do my best to get it answered. Back in a few.

Safely In The Commonwealth

We have arrived in the great Commonwealth of Virginia. All are safe and with luggage. The flight was good. I highly recommend AirTran if for nothing else than the free XM, they also ran very on schedule which is a plus. The mood is good and the team seems like they are ready to race. There will probably be just a couple more updates tonight. Later, I will try and get some runners on here either in the written form or on video. When we get to the hotel, I will be back. Until then enjoy Central time, since we are on Eastern.

Atlanta From The Sky

Goodbye Atlanta

They tell me I have to turn off my computer now. The next time I post we will be in Newport News.

We're Here... Kind Of

Just landed in the ATL. The team grabbed lunch at Quizno's, I opted for Nathans, home of the most delicious hot dog on the whole planet. We will board shortly. Oh in Dallas, Deidre (our trainer) got detained by security. See picture. Be back soon.

Almost There...

We are less than an hour from Dallas. Most everyone (Warren, Chauncey, Lindsey, Heidi, and RJ) are quiet, still early I guess. Here is a picture of Lindsey, it doesn't look like the stress of the meet has gotten to her. I am just here in the front listening to Crosby, Stills, Nash (and on some occasions Young and then sometimes just Young) and listening to Rich's tales from his days with the LAPD. For his last four years, he flew a helicopter. So every movie you have ever seen with a helicopter flying over LA, he actually go to do that. Awesome! Well, I'll write some more when we get to the airport. Stay tuned...

A Convertible in November?

Why not. When Deidre and I went to find the rental cars we found that we had a silver Dodge Caravan (great for large groups), a silver Hyundai Entourage (also great for large groups and quite spiffy I might add) and a silver Chrysler PT Cruiser convertible (uh...what). Well I guess it was the luck of the draw. But just in case you are wondering, four grown adults and luggage for two and half can fit in there. I know my money (of course as an employee of an NCAA institution, no money was wagered) was on only three would fir, but once again out Cross team in shattering barriers and persevering. Well I think I will enjoy Rich's (assistant coach) 60's music, mostly I am not big on 60's music but it is nice mellow music for this early in the music. Wait...this just in, it dawned on me that I have been rude. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Parker and I am the assistant sports information director. Through me you will be able to take in all the sight and hopefully sounds (but not smells, still waiting on the technology) of the Patriot's first ever NCAA event. Well, I'll be back in a bit. 87 miles to Dallas.

Head 'Em Up...

Well, according to the runners, it some sort of a tradition to leave late. Warren told me they have never left on-time for a meet in three years. With such a big meet, why change tradition. We didn't so mission accomplished. Anyway, we are loaded and headed to the airport. We all barely fit in the three vehicles (more on that later), but we are all in and close. which is good because it's cold. Well I'll be back later with more. Until then.

- Parker

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Final Check

Coach Hepler does a final check of the travel plans for the Patriots. The teams will leave UT Tyler at 7 a.m. Thursday for Dallas where they will catch a flight to Virginia. After a short layover in Atlanta, wheels down is set for 5 p.m. in Newport News, Va.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Regional Web Site

For those interested, here is the official cross country regional meet web site, hosted by CNU: