Top 6 - Semel strikes out. Ohail singles, Phillips doubles, runners at 2nd and 3rd. Barcelo strikes out. Hadzinsky flies out. End of 6th. Chapman 15, UT Tyler 1
Bot 5 - Skeen out. Ashley strikes out. Fox walks. Daleiden strikes out. Chapman 15, UT Tyler 1
T0p 5 - Chapman scores again, Alvarado gets out of inning. Chapman 15, UT Tyler 1
Bot 4 - Harding flies out, Hodes singles, Lemire flies out. Hood out. Chapman 14, UT Tyler 1
Top 4 - Hall homers again. Prechtl flies out to deep left center. Owens walks. Semel doubles, Owens to 3rd. Ohail out to pitcher.Phillips doubles, two score. Campbell out, Alvarado to pitch. Ground out to short, end of inning. Lemire strikes out to end inning. Chapman 14, UT Tyler 1
Bot 3 - Kitchens out, Matt Irsfeld now pitching. Newell walks. Ashley strikes out. Kendall strikes out. Daleiden strike out. After a slow start, Irsfeld strikes out the side. Chapman 11, UT Tyler 1
Top 3 - Hail homers. Holland out, Grant Campbell in. Prechtl singles through right side. Owens flies to left, Prechtl stays put; 1 down. Semel doubles, Prechtl scores. Semel to third on a wild pitch. Ohail takes a seat, 2 down. Phillips walks. Semel steals home. Barcelo singles through left side. Hadzinsky reaches on a double error, Barcelo to third, Phillips scores. Lehman flies out. Inning over. Chapman 11, UT Tyler 1
Bot 2 - Patriots on the board with Hodges homerun. Kitchens gets Lemire looking. Hood and Skeen ground out end the second. You have to start somewhere. Chapman 7, UT Tyler 1
Top 2 - Holland hits Hadzinsky to start the inning. Lehman walks, runners at 1st and 2nd no outs. Hall bunts for a single, bases loaded no outs. Prechtl hits a two-RBI double, still no outs. Owens hits a two-RBI single, still no outs. Semel flies out to center for out #1. Ohail hits a single. Phillips hits 8th Chapman hit to score one and put runners at the corners. Barcelo strikeout again. Hadzinsky bats again, singles to score another. Lehman grounds out to Chad for final out. Chapman 7, UT Tyler 0
Bot 1 - Kitchens gets Kendall looking for out one. Chad fouls out down the right field line for out two. Harding grounds out to the short stop for the end of the first inning. Chapman 1, UT Tyler 0
Top 1 - Chapman on the board first with a one-out homerun over the left center field wall by Ben Owens(355). With two outs, John Semel and Patrick Ohail hit back-to-back singles. Holland strikes out Barcelo to end the inning. Chapman 1, UT Tyler 0
Lineups being done now. All-American Wade Kitchens will be on the mound for Chapman, which is somewhat of a shock. Kitchens was injured mid-season and by most accounts was done for the year. That just shows you what these games mean. Looks like we will have the much anticipated Holland/Kitchens match-up that a lot had hoped to see.