We ate dinner at the Hotel Oregon, it was pub-style food and it was very good. My burger had a friend egg on it...it was much better that it sounds. The hotel has been at the center of the McMinville downtown area since 1905 and was very cool. Some of the pictures were very creepy, but it looked like a cool place to stay with a lot of character.
Despite not being from from here (based out of Portland), our driver Dwayne (not near as cool as Gino) has done well navigating the mean streets of McMinville (there are not that many). Downtown looks like something out of a movie and everything, even in the heart of the city, is so green. We saw some sheep today in this incredibly green valley, I will try and get pictures tomorrow just so you can get an idea of how green it really is.
So tomorrow we will get up and try to play again if the weather holds, which it should. The first game is at Noon and the weather should clear up around then. Well that is all for now.
Take care.