Tuesday, September 01, 2009

From the ASC... Conference-Wide No Tolerance Statement in Effect

RICHARDSON, Texas –– The American Southwest Conference Council of Presidents, upon recommendation of its Faculty Athletics Representatives and Directors of Athletics, approved the following statement to be issued to the ASC student-athletes, coaches, game officials and administrators:

The American Southwest Conference recognizes no tolerancefor offensive language or offensive gestures and behaviors at all athletic venues.

The conference statement concerning conduct at institutional and conference athletic events is immediately effective.

“Concern about use of offensive language and tolerance of unsporting behaviors by persons involved in athletic contests – participants, officials and administrators – was raised by the FAR-AD group,” said ASC Commissioner Amy Carlton. “The statement was crafted to express to all parties that the Conference membership is serious in its efforts to improve sportsmanship and the atmosphere of the contests.

“Unsporting behavior, language and gestures do not add any value to the competition or the persons involved in the contest.”

Student-athletes, coaches and athletics administrators will be asked to sign the ASC Code of Conduct before the start of their respective playing and practice seasons. Educational materials through the NCAA "Respect: It's the Name of the Game" initiative will be utilized on campuses.

Game officials will be notified of the ASC statement through their respective game assignors. Printed materials outlining the ASC sportsmanship and conduct policies and procedures will also distributed to game officials through a program funded by the ASC/Division III Strategic Initiative Grant.

- From the ASC Media Relations Office