Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Men's Soccer Blog #1

Soccer so far has been a great ride. The incoming players came in
ready to learn and play the roles we were really needing. The
returners came back with priceless experience and knowledge. With the
balance of fresh, new players and knowledgeable returners, the team
has and is continuing to become more than just a competitive team.
I'm looking forward to continuing training and putting things together
for the season. Everyday of practice is a step towards another
successful season. I'm extremely excited for the season to begin

-Jared Taylor

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Women's Soccer Blog #1

Hello to all of you Patriots fans-

Pre-season finally begins on Friday the 21st at 7:00am with the welcome back Fitness Test. The best part to every player about the morning of the test is looking at each individual on the team knowing you feel the same way they do! So many think and ask themselves: "Is she nervous or even scared," "Is she really fit"? Oh don’t we all look forward to the Fitness Test every year!! Well I’m more than excited to share that every one of the athletes on the women’s soccer team went above and beyond her potential: We not only had returning players beat their previous time, but the freshman survived as well. Let’s just sum it up- "We love the fitness test and every year it starts us off right." Friday morning throughout Tuesday evening, all we do as a team was EAT, SLEEP and PLAY soccer. We have training and team meetings with our phenomenal coaches and discuss the goals we want to set together as a team for the upcoming season. We also read a book as a team this preseason, that we think will help us identify the principles that help student-athletes become the leaders they desire to be for their family, their jobs, and their lives. Our women’s soccer team and coaches recognize and agree that THIS is the standard we need to be holding each other accountable for, on and off the field, at all times: We’re here to play soccer and have fun, but we're also here to get a quality education and apply our learning/abilities to our daily lives. WE ARE UT TYLER! We have had an outstanding pre-season! We have been given so much useful information, mentally and physically, throughout the entire week and applied it to our practices. We have a lot of potential on the team and, most importantly, all the girls work hard with a good and positive attitude! We have a lot of fun in every practice but, then again, we know when to shut-up and get things done. We have no doubts about each other, and that’s what a team truly is to all of us. We could NOT have come this far without our coaches' help. They love our team, their family, and most importantly their job. They are the people who have such an affect and impact spiritually and emotionally in our lives. NOW, we are all here together to focus on the next step for this program! We have committed to do whatever it takes to go that extra mile/degree! 2009 is going to be a great year! Hope we see you guys at our games.

Alina Kilkenny-DeAvila

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

From the ASC... Conference-Wide No Tolerance Statement in Effect

RICHARDSON, Texas –– The American Southwest Conference Council of Presidents, upon recommendation of its Faculty Athletics Representatives and Directors of Athletics, approved the following statement to be issued to the ASC student-athletes, coaches, game officials and administrators:

The American Southwest Conference recognizes no tolerancefor offensive language or offensive gestures and behaviors at all athletic venues.

The conference statement concerning conduct at institutional and conference athletic events is immediately effective.

“Concern about use of offensive language and tolerance of unsporting behaviors by persons involved in athletic contests – participants, officials and administrators – was raised by the FAR-AD group,” said ASC Commissioner Amy Carlton. “The statement was crafted to express to all parties that the Conference membership is serious in its efforts to improve sportsmanship and the atmosphere of the contests.

“Unsporting behavior, language and gestures do not add any value to the competition or the persons involved in the contest.”

Student-athletes, coaches and athletics administrators will be asked to sign the ASC Code of Conduct before the start of their respective playing and practice seasons. Educational materials through the NCAA "Respect: It's the Name of the Game" initiative will be utilized on campuses.

Game officials will be notified of the ASC statement through their respective game assignors. Printed materials outlining the ASC sportsmanship and conduct policies and procedures will also distributed to game officials through a program funded by the ASC/Division III Strategic Initiative Grant.

- From the ASC Media Relations Office