Well we arrived in Seguin and immediately went to the course. The crew ran and then came back together and did some yoga. Somewhere between there and here, it hit me. This could be the last race ever for several Patriots tomorrow. This is equivalent to Game 7 of an LCS. Win you go to the big show, lose and its over. I can't imagine what that must feel like; being as the good Lord chose to bless my life in other ways than in athletics. To devote four years of your life to something and in less than 24 hours that chapter could be closed. This is the life of today's student-athlete. One could make the case that the four years the guys and gals run in college are minuscule in the game of life. It is the case that a lot of anti-athletic types make, that athletics only take away from the college experience. Well I beg to differ and I challenge those who would say that, to spend a weekend with any of our teams. The experience and lessons they learn in those four years form a building block for the rest of their lives. For some athletics in college aren't just something to do, they are an escape, a way out or a brief respite from a hectic life back home. In my opinion, if athletics makes a positive impact on even one life it is well worth everything put into it.