Saturday, November 15, 2008

Women Excel

Despite not having two of their usual top three runner, the women beat every ASC school but MC. A tremendous performance from the ladies. Expect an article on the main page soon. However we are far from over. I will be back the entire trip home and hopefully I can turn this over to some runners so they can give you their thoughts.

The Results Are In

The men finished third for the second straight year. Emory will advance to the National Meet. The good news is Ben and Warren will go as Individuals. Congrats to the guys on a great season and we will be rooting for Warren and Ben next week. The girls are racing now, Sarah and Jules were the only two I could pick out and they were in the second pack. Back in a bit.

The Waiting Game

Well, the men's race is over. Our top 5 was Ben, Warren, R.J., Philbert and Bojan. Most people are pretty certain that Ben and Warren have qualified individually for Nationals. As for the team, I am pretty sure Centre won. Hats off to the Colonels they had a great race. It should come down to us and Emory once agian. If I was a betting man, which I am not per NCAA regulations, I would say it will come down to less than five point. The women's race will be in about 20 minutes, with the men's results to be announced shorty after. Stay tuned.

Ross In the Lead Pack on Lap 1

And They're Off..

Race Day!

We are here on the course, everyone looks pretty ready and rested. Racers report to the box in 32 minutes. More soon.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Night Before

I got to sit in on the guy's team meeting tonight. And man are these guys are awesome? They want to win but they don't want to to win for themselves they want to win for each other and for thier coaches. And they get it. They get that sports is just part of a bigger picture, but they also get that this is a once in a life time opportunity and they are cherishing every moment. So tomorrow, they will either celebrate a trip to the National Championships or celebrate the end of five brilliant careers. Either way every one on the team, from the men to the women to the coaches, and even me, will be a winner just for having been a part of this amazing group of people.

Have a great night, remember, the men race at 9, followed by the women at 10. Results will be as close to real time as possible.

See You in the Morning!

The Course, Literally & Figuratively

Well we arrived in Seguin and immediately went to the course. The crew ran and then came back together and did some yoga. Somewhere between there and here, it hit me. This could be the last race ever for several Patriots tomorrow. This is equivalent to Game 7 of an LCS. Win you go to the big show, lose and its over. I can't imagine what that must feel like; being as the good Lord chose to bless my life in other ways than in athletics. To devote four years of your life to something and in less than 24 hours that chapter could be closed. This is the life of today's student-athlete. One could make the case that the four years the guys and gals run in college are minuscule in the game of life. It is the case that a lot of anti-athletic types make, that athletics only take away from the college experience. Well I beg to differ and I challenge those who would say that, to spend a weekend with any of our teams. The experience and lessons they learn in those four years form a building block for the rest of their lives. For some athletics in college aren't just something to do, they are an escape, a way out or a brief respite from a hectic life back home. In my opinion, if athletics makes a positive impact on even one life it is well worth everything put into it.

Viva La Capital!

We are in Austin, so we are about one and a half hours away. Not much exciting going on. Although we did pass the Home of the Longhorns. As a non-Texan, I have to say that I appreciate the diversity of Texas a lot more than I did before I moved here. From small towns to big cities, it seems like Texas has something for everyone. Everyone is fine, except for Ben. Ben is mad that Subway put the veggies on the sandwich, instead of on the side, so it made the sandwich soggy. Now our driver is ranting about Texas seceding from the Union, great fun! More in a bit.

I Can Smell The Bakery From Here

Well we are about 30 miles from Corsicana and the bus is pretty calm. The team seems not to be too nervous, but we shall see. As the day goes on, I will try and talk to some runners and get their thoughts on tomorrow. An interesting note, Bob had trouble finding a burrito with no meat this morning. It was quite funny.

'Till Next Time

So It Begins...

Well we are on the bus or at least I am. Soon we will be taking off for Seguin. It will be about a five hour ride, so stay tuned for plenty o'updates. When we got here this morning we were greated by a band of faithful supporters. I'll be back with more in a bit.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Welcome Back!

Well boys and girls, it is that time of year again. The time when I hit the road with our beloved Patriot cross country teams and head to the NCAA Regionals. This year we head to Seguin, Texas. So we will be without the drama of flying, but I am sure a five hours bus ride will provide plenty of entertainment. We leave at 9 a.m on Friday, so stay tuned. Until then, I remain your humble narrator.

- Parker